December 15, 2011

World At Large


So I absolutely loved my 2d Design class. The people in there are awesome- so talented, and my teacher Adam Larsen is great, I really liked being in his class. So the entire semester we've done many studies and projects talking about the 7 elements of design, colors, color schemes, artists, everything that has to do with 2d design. For our final project we had to create Juxtaposition using collage and it needed a color scheme and 5 unrelated subjects. This painting took 34 hours to prep and paint, and it is acrylic on duck canvas. The story behind this is toward the bottom after the pictures. :D

Projecting my image onto my canvas.

Making some progress!

I ended up going over Saturn and the cityscape again.. ugh.

VOILA! Completely finished 34 hours later!

The final critique in class today!

Okay so now it's story time! You may be wondering what the story behind this is... And I'll tell you. This is about not fitting into where you're at because of drama/chaos going on around you. So I'm the type of person who stays far away from drama. If the issue won't affect me a week from now or even the next day, it's not a big deal. The problem doesn't exist. Well I feel like the past few months I've had to put up with a crapload of stupid petty drama from the people I'm living with and all the people in my life, and I'm really fed up with it. So the girl represents me sitting in the middle of all these stupid issues, but I made it simple and not crazy and chaotic because I want to show how I let it all affect me... It doesn't. The funny thing is that even though some of these people have made life extremely frustrating for me, I'm a very forgiving person and I don't dislike them at all. I guess I could even look at this painting as being bigger than the problems and overcoming, because I did that as well. Okay now my thoughts are starting to go everywhere... So interpret this how you want, but to sum it up, it represents the internal struggles that I've had with fitting in where I am right now. 

December 8, 2011

Cause We're Gonna Live

Hey there bloggers. :) I hope everyone's week is going well, and I hope all you college students are doing well on finals! Luckily I don't have too many finals this semester. I have a 2d Design, communications, and Photo 1 final and that's about it. For my Design final I have to do a 5 foot juxtaposition painting, and it's extremely time consuming but I'm hoping it will turn out pretty cool! For my Photo final I had to put together my portfolio into a book (below) and then I had to come up with a series of photographs for my final. My final could be anything, and I decided to take images of women with their faces covered by different fabrics. My first image for this series is the one on the top right corner of the picture below. I meant to make all of them like this picture but it didn't quite work out, I had to rush it, and I ended up shooting myself for the rest of the final. It was really cool putting the book together even though it didn't turn out how I wanted, it was still really neat! I was satisfied with my results. :] 

So this is a picture of my final in our final photo exhibition. This is an exhibit with all of the Basic Photo, Photo I and Photo II students work from the past semester. It was really neat to look at what all the other students had been working on, and it was great watching people look at my work and seeing what they thought about it. 

Here are a few of the images.

December 1, 2011

In The Darkroom

Hey! Sorry for the lack of blog posts... Finals are coming up and school is getting way crazy, but I'm trying to make time for pictures and fun! So this week in my photo class we've been messing around making photograms. I made a few and then I decided to try out developing my own film as well. I took a film photography class in the 9th grade and thankfully I remembered how to develop my film. Here are my results from the day! :)

The feathers of a dream catcher. They turned out so sweet, I love the detail in all the little strands of feather that it picked up.

Here's the full dreamcatcher. I think it's overexposed, but I really like the background being all gray instead of black. It makes it a bit different.

We had to make a landscape one so here is my landscape photogram. I used paper for the snowy ground, salt for the snow, and cotton for the wispy clouds.

I took this picture of Natalie with a Diana Mini camera. This was way difficult to develop cause it's so bright, it took so many tries to develop! It seems weird that the more light you expose to the paper, the darker the image gets. I tried 30 seconds, totally didn't work. Then I tried 45, didn't work again. 1 minute. 1 minute and 30 seconds. Then finally I did 2 minutes and I got this. Practice makes... progress! 

This was taken with a Diana Mini also, it's a sweet alleyway here by my school. I did 17 seconds for this one and got it on my second try so I think I'm getting the hang of it better!

This was a photogram of my hair. It was really hard to hold my hair on the paper then to find the timer and expose the paper, so I kind of moved, but I think it adds more to it with the blur.

For this one I exposed the paper to light then splattered developer on it.

Photogram of my lace tablecloth that I want to make into a shirt. :)